Dr. Lawrence Chia
Dr. Lawrence Chia
Dr Lawrence Chia is currently Chairman of the EFOS Council and ExCo Member of Asia Evangelical Alliance(AEA) and International Council Member of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA). He has been with EFOS from the very beginning in 1980. He has also been closely identified/involved with other Christian organizations like the Fellowship of Evangelical Students (currently as FES President), Graduates Christian Fellowship, Bible Society of Singapore (as ExCo member,) Overseas Missionary Fellowship and Discipleship Training Centre. He is active in Presbyterian circles and in Prinsep Street Presbyterian Church where he is Elder having served as Session Clerk.
At the National University of Singapore, he is at present Consultant for Alumni Relations in the Science Faculty, having served in various capacities including Associate Professor in Chemistry, Director, Alumni Affairs and Development Office and concurrently as Hall Master of Sheares Hall and its predecessor Hall, Dunearn Road Hostel (DRH). He has also served as Principal of ACS ( I ) on secondment from the university.
Besides his contributions in science and education, his community service has also included appointments as Board Member of the Singapore Science Centre, various government and quasi-government committees like the National Police Cadet Corps and the Police Special Constabulary. These have been recognized in various academic/ professional Fellowships and Awards like the Public Service Star (BBM) and the Public Administration Medal (PPA).
His student days in Sydney saw his involvement in things evangelical and later service with/through groups like the Evangelical Union (EU) and Inter-Varsity Fellowship (IVF) now known as Christian Fellowships (CFs) and Fellowship of Evangelical Students (FES), Scripture Union, and OMF. He is married to music teacher Tan Pek Choo and they have 2 daughters and three grandchildren.